Saturday, April 10, 2010

About Four Months Late

A friend of mine just found out about Jersey Shore because he noticed how Ronnie is grabbing his junk in the picture above. He thought the "guy with the bag" might be cute, and I said NO.

me: the old looking one with the bag calls himself "The Situation"
Brady: Is that because he gets girls pregnant?
Brady: the situation sounds like they are going to abort babies
Brady: like take care of the situation
. . .
me: it refers to his abs
me: he calls them the situation and himself the situation
Brady: um
the situation? that sounds like a 40 something woman talking about her pouch
Brady: what am I going to do about this situation around my waist
Brady: so those glasses are too small for his head
Brady: and the eyebrows???? FAGGOT