Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm just going to share my favorite part of the recent G's To Gents with you. The suave fellow you see above has a baby mama at home, and he receives a phone call alerting him to his situation:

Friend: I got some bad news. You got twins on the way, boy.

Oh snap, let's see what his BM has to say about it:

Baron: Whatchu finna do about that?
BM: Whatchu think I'm gonna do about that?
Baron: You don't need money tho? (the subtitle on the screen actually appeared as "tho.")
BM: Yes I do. Badly.

Was I the only thinking she needed money for a 2 for 1 special on unbirthing? Damnit, I know I had that coupon around here somewhere!

By the way, there are way too many pages for definitions of abortion on Urban Dictionary to read at the moment, but here's a good one:

795 up, 749 down
The hilarious procedure in which a soon-to-be ugly baby is instead destroyed before it has a chance to wreak havoc on the world.

Contrary to popular belief, abortion is actually a life saving procedure. The rate of aborted babies that went on to commit murder is 0%, a percentage significantly lower than the rate of unaborted babies.

When it comes to "when life begins", a poll of aborted babies concluded that none of them minded being aborted too much. Their response was similar to that of a pool of semen, who were also not very distressed at not getting a chance at life.

Abortion should be a mandatory procedure for anyone not capable of raising a child, or with genes deemed "unsatisfactory."

Adoption Agencies should eliminate all of the infants they get. (but only if they haven't recieved their soul from god yet!!)

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