Friday, October 2, 2009


My boss was telling me and the new girl today a story that was supposed to be inspirational. Once upon a time there was some girl in Africa who didn't have shit. And maybe not even a clit, because you know how they roll over there. Her daddy didn't want her to get her learn on since was the designated sex slave or something. She made a wish ON A FUCKING ROCK she buried that she would move to the U.S. and pursue her education to the point that she obtained her PhD. She had a hard, shitty life including a husband who died of AIDS. Somehow her wish came true, and Oprah discovered her and blah blah blah she's finishing her PhD soon. The new girl asked what she's getting her PhD in, and I jokingly said, "AIDS." Hilarious, right? I know. My boss was APPALLED. The one and only time she was genuinely not pleased with something funny I said. Well, she doesn't like when I use the word "pussy" in the anatomical sense either. Or say "cunt." But otherwise, anything goes! Except AIDS I guess. I think people should just lighten up in general. Being able to laugh at anything makes life not only tolerable, but fun. No limits, bitches. The Holocaust, abortion, limb amputation, Elizabeth Smart: find the humor, people.

I'll leave you with a quote from that dirty Jewess Sarah Silverman:
"When G-d gives you AIDS--and G-d does give you AIDS--make lemonAIDS."

p.s. Why are people surprised by the revelation that Elizabeth Smart was getting raped on the daily? That creepy guy didn't abduct her to fucking play tiddlywinks all day long.

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