Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Ain't About Shit, Your Hair Ain't Neither

(The above image is the #1 result for a Google search of "ghetto hairstyles")

I got my first cosmetic facial today. Emphasis on cosmetic, because otherwise it wouldn't be news. The business I work for has a cosmetic branch in town, and they're training a new girl, so they needed guinea pigs. Whatever, if it's free, it's me. It was a "hydrofacial" and this tool sucked all the nasty stuff out of my pores. I can definitely see a difference even after the one treatment. It wasn't terribly uncomfortable either. However the whole time the ladies kept saying how pink and red I was getting. I was convinced I would walk out of there looking like Samantha after her chemical peel in that episode of Sex and the City. I kept imagining myself in a fierce church hat complete with a veil, but I knew I couldn't quite pull it off. I was relieved to see that it wasn't that bad at all, and it disappeared completely rather quickly.

I got a haircut afterward. My hair stylist was a lovely black woman. I've found that black women don't give mediocre haircuts. One of two things happens:

1) They don't give a fuck about you or your hurr neither, and you walk out looking like a cold mess.

2) They turn your shit OUT and make sure you leave lookin FUINE (<--not a typo). I got lucky and received number 2. Check out the video. Though it's all fantastic, focus on the first few minutes before the music, specifically around the 3:00 mark. . .

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