Friday, November 13, 2009

Let's Paint, Exercise, and Have Miscarriages

I usually enjoy those computer animated movies with a childish glee. Not this Up bullshit. I watched ten minutes and quit. That small portion of the movie is probably what little kids watch on a loop before they hang themselves from their swing sets. Here's a little breakdown: it's a terribly depressing tale of a lonely old man who is crippled by the loss of his infertile wife and then embarks on a journey with a fat Asian kid who is possibly affected by trisomy 21. I'm pretty sure it ends with a suicide pact.

1 comment:

  1. Dude thats only the beginning, yeah its super sad but its like the business tactic that Frank Reynolds uses in 'It's Always Sunny,'hit'em with something super awful and then the follow up question/ statement isnt too bad, it solfens the blow. Her dying made you want to find out what he does after.

    Are you a robot or quite possibly half cyborg half douchebag? Its like the saddest shit ever " go have an adventure of your own"

    PS: It is a dick move by Pixar because all the parents that took their kids to it had to deal with all those lil bastards crying in the theater.

    PSS Yay! for inclusion!!
