Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey Now, Hey Now, This Is What Nightmares Are Made Of

I'm not sure where to begin with this one. Perhaps with a great big WTF? Now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's my first question: why put on the second mask? Is it supposed to be a statement on ageism and the perception of beauty? Because really, it is just creepy. This bitch also just ruined Billy Holiday for me. That first song, "Don't Explain" was one of my favorites, but now it will be forever linked to a scary guy who gets off on dressing up as a bootleg Golden Girl. And why are the gloves black? If you're going to go to the trouble of making a "life-like" geriatric drag mask, why not go for life-like hands? Put some liver spots up on that shit. My final issue with it is something I can't really confirm because I refuse to watch the video a second time. I don't think this guy blinked ONCE the whole time. He should really put some effort into his theatrical design. I kept looking at his surroundings and making up stories. What are those binders on the right side of the screen? I imagine they are financial documents he needs in order to file his taxes. He keeps meticulous records of everything he purchases in order to bring Hagatha to life. Do you think he can mark down all the latex gear as a write-off?

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