Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We're Fucking Done Professionally

I'll kick this off with a quote from my favorite blogger, Gabe Delahaye (here, this is funny), because I have to acknowledge that I've been part of this epidemic: ". . .whatever my role may be in this: I’m sorry. I’m sorry I caused all that Ke$ha." I'm finished with Kesha. Kind of. I'll still enjoy a couple of her songs, but her image she works so hard to maintain is hurting my soul. Oh, yes KESHA. I refuse to contribute to the perpetuation of her terrible, terrible name with the symbol. She looks like she smells bad and is sticky. I happened to watch last night's episode of The City (don't judge me, I'm judging myself enough for it) and she had a brief cameo. If an appearance by a manufactured, contrived pop singer can be considered a cameo. Castmemeber Olivia made some delightfully snide comments on Kesha's style as "punk trash" and "garbage chic." I agree, minus the -chic part. In the three minutes of screen time she had, Kesha made all sorts of gross faces as she is wont to do. Also, her hair? The question mark is because I think it might have just been a possum nest. Do they nest? I have a feeling they might den. I'll have to check into that, but if possums nested, they would make something like Kesha's hair. Seriously, Britney Spears at her ratty, weavy worst is better than Kesha's head situation. Anyway, in that short time she TWICE said, "I love garbage bags," and mentioned that she wanted to wear a gown made of trash bags to the Grammy's, (I'm not really sure why she was allowed to even attend) but they wouldn't let her. The point is, these people had to "work" with her for an entire styling session and photo shoot, so just imagine how times she professed her love of garbage bags and let loose with other similarly grimy gems.

Now might be a good time to mention her atrocious SNL performance. Wow, was it ever lackluster. Teach a bitch how to dance, pop songstress manufacturers! Every moment was womp-womp sad trombone. She looked like a combination of a malfunctioning robot and the Trash Heap from The Fraggles. And we all know she can't sing to begin with, so please don't bother to try anything live. Get your moves tight, and for shit's sake, lipsynch. At least you could be enjoyable then. She really ruined it there. Well. . . and with her Jon Travolta face. I had to go there. Sorry, girl!

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