Monday, July 26, 2010

What in the Sideboob Hell Is This?

Woof, it looks like Foxy Brown has been slipping. Back in the day, when she and Lil' Kim were relevant, I was on Team Kim. Duh. If you know me, then you know I wrote my university entrance essay about Lil' Kim and included a picture of her topless. Because we're both classy like that. I grudgingly enjoyed Foxy's album Chyna Doll in high school. I even admitted it in an article I wrote for my highschool newspaper. It was kind of fun, but mostly ridiculous, but still nowhere near as inventive as Lil' Kim's lyrics. Then, because I'm a terrible person, I was secretly pleased when Foxy lost her hearing. They thought it would be permanent, which was kind of sad, but really I didn't give a fuck. I thought of it as karma for daring to besmirch the glorious creation that is Kim. I haven't seen her in years, much less thought about her, which is why this picture is so surprising. I didn't realize she had gotten so thick--which isn't a bad thing. Oh no, thick can certainly be beautiful. It's the titties that are killing me. Check out that sideboob! That is intense sideboob action. She just looks like she's spent way too many years not wearing a bra. Do yourself a favor, girl, and get a breast lift STAT. The bootleg Xena fetish outfit isn't helping things either. I suggest investing in coursets and girdles. I remember she used to talk trash about homosexuals in her raps. This must be the recourse: now she has no queers around to say "oh HELL no" and stuff her ass in some spanx. Again, karma is a mean, bitchy faggot.

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