Friday, January 23, 2009

Textual Intercourse: Afternoon Delight Edition

I have a new coworker. I was discussing this with Lila. . .

Me: do you have any coworkers you can't stand? oh yeah, maybe not something you want to write about while at work. oops
Lila: haha yes, i have coworkers I can't stand
not too many though, but especially my boss' husband, who comes in early and watches porn on his computer
we saw him doing it once
Me: hahahahaha
that is fantastic. i did that at my old job! i'd have to be there until 8 or 9 pm sometimes to get subjects ready for sleep i'd watch youtube and porn to kill time
but i was there alone
me: i don't really like the new girl who started a couple weeks ago
Lila: tell me more...
me: she's 6 ft tall and fat
but that's not why i dislike her
Lila: HUGE!
you just don't like her cause she could probably sit on you and kill you...
me: and our other coworker insists she smells narsty
i mean that's definitely a factor
i haven't smelled it much, but we think it might be her hair
fuckin white people
so she's all super sweet about everything & trying to make a good impression
and i'm trying to get through to her.
by "get through" i mean break her spirit
i'm being overly mean to get her to snap
me: i want to see her do something other than be nice
Lila: hahahaaaa
me: i want to know she'll stand up for herself
Lila: like, talk some shit
break something
me: and blame her!
Lila: manipulate the other employees...haha, yeah, blame her for something
then be like, "JUST KIDDING! but seriously, go wash your hair."
me: it'll be like I'm Kathleen Turner in Serial Mom and she's Mink Stole.
"She just said 'motherfucker' to me!"
Lila: haaa
me: don't just roll over and take it bitch!
Lila: put her stapler in some jell-o
me: i want to instruct her to do something blatantly wrong and see if she has the sheballs to tell
me what's up or just bitch to the other girl
me: or maybe i'll just hide some fish in her office to rot
Lila: haha
wow, i hope my fellow employees like me!
me: i've been dropping hair hints though
Lila: does everyone like YOU?
i would think so
me: yeah, everyone's nice to my face at least. if there's gossip, it doesn't get back to me
and gossip ALWAYS gets back to people in a small business
it helps that my aunt owns the shit and LOVES firing people
me: today i was like "don't you just love getting your hair cut? the shampoo they use is just fantastic!"
Lila: haha
Then we started talking about getting dogs:
me: my stylist was "Sharinethenia" or something crazy
. . .
Lila: when I get a dog, I should name it something like that
. . .
Lila: haha
what kind of dog?
I'm going to get a wolf
me: i don't know.
i take care of my aunt's dog when she goes out of town and he's awesome.
he's a japanese chin.
then i could add racial slurs too
a wolf? nice
Lila: tots
me: or shin i think
anyway they're crazy and cute. maybe a little brain damaged, but whatevs
i could make jokes about how terrible his teeth are
and fashion a little kimono
me: and threaten to nuke him if he poos in the house
his play pen will look like an internment camp, rubber barbed wire & errythang

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