Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Wanna Text You Up


Sunny: Anyway, I miss seeing all the hot bodies at the pool... That was definitely the best perk of swimming.
Sunny: Until it meant having to look at M*****'s penis every Wednesday.
me: omg i know. i didn't appreciate it when i had it. i got too used to trying not to look on wednesdays
Sunny: The one penis I wish I saw more of is C*****'s... I don't know why but he just always had me curious
me: me too! i never got a great look, but i saw plenty of his tiny rectangular ass and i thoroughly enjoyed it
Sunny: I wish we could have gotten him to test drive the whole gay thing when he was on one of his "I'm drunk and think I'm really into men" phases
me: omg. for REAL. i had multiple opportunities and i froze up each time! you know he would have been all shamed after he got off though. i'd be okay with that
Sunny: Oh totally! I'd be soooooo ok with that! I think he would totally be a bottom btw...
me: oh yes, he definitely was in my fantasies. he's a squealing powerbottom with an endless anal cavity
Sunny: Definitely!!!!!!! I feel like he would be so intense and very facial about it...Sometimes I pictured M** doing it to him, LOL
me: i'm totally with you on that. remember when **** found a search for gay porn on his computer? we all should have tagteamed him.
Sunny: Hahahahaha... I forgot about that!!
me: i bet he's blowing old dudes at gloryholes in sketchy men's restrooms these days
Sunny: Omg - It would be amazing if we found out where he was doing that...
me: everywhere and anywhere i'm sure. he can probably sniff dick out like a bloodhound
Sunny: I still have a theory that he and M** did stuff together... Maybe not fucking but at least jerking each other off
me: or maybe just next to each other since they could justify that as not gay. C***** was so posessive of M**, there HAD to be something going on
Sunny: Yeah def next to each other at the very least... I used to think I saw C***** staring at people in the shower kind of like how I would--secretive and swift but long enough to get a good image to work with. Too bad I never saw him get a boner.
me: oooh i bet he loved it when R**** swam with us and showered nude
Sunny: R**** had an ok penis... Didn't you think?
me: yeah he just wasn't that cute in the face. i'd still bone him though. he had that anderson cooper premature gray hair going on.
Sunny: I think Anderson Cooper is smokin
me: pole? me too. i'd fist him fa sho. his pubes are probably waxed into the shape of darfur in sympathy
Sunny: I don't know why cuz I usually like them darker and a little younger.... But Anderson Cooper is the one reason I would ever watch the news
Sunny: Hahahahaha. Oh hey.... before I say anything... Did you watch I love money this week?
me: oh yes
Sunny: I was scared for your girl [Saaphyri] for a minute there!!!
me: i would have written a strongly worded letter to VH1
me: i can't believe new york dated tailor made. he's gross. he looks like he'd be sticky if you touched him. did she think he would make her rich or something?
Sunny: I think it was all about control.... She could whip him around as much as she wanted!
me: not that i haven't done much worse for much less, but come on. the nation wasn't witnessing me debase myself lolme: yeah but all his yelling got annoying. are you as scared of buckwild's face as i am? i thought she would vut the entertainer with that witchypoo nose!
me: her eyebrows are OOC
me: wow i just google image searched "hot speedo" with the image filter turned off. i highly recommend it

1 comment:

  1. damn I miss those days, but I also never appreciated it to fullest . . . huh.
