Sunday, April 25, 2010


I've been sitting on this one for a while. It's just that gross. I won't go into detail on how I came to experience the following situation, but it was totally kosher. Trust me. It was not at all my doing, and it couldn't be avoided. On to the nose-rape.

I experienced the most foul scent known to man-kind. It smelled like human shit, mold, garbage, rotting flesh, and manure all at once. "What was it" you ask? It was the stench of a tampon stewing inside a woman who had forgotten it was there for almost one month. First of all, that's dangerous and can lead to toxic shock syndrome and death. Secondly, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT NOTICE THE SMELL? I guess people really can get used to anything. It literally stung my eyes and made me gag. It smelled of brimstone and fish. It was like her vagina was the Hellmouth, only the demons entered it instead of escaping.

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