Thursday, June 3, 2010

Textual Intercourse

Brady: I'm really sad. I just killed a baby bird on accident :(

me: aww black baby jesus will forgive you. it was an accident

Brady: Well they made a nest under the patio and I pushed it over earlier in the week coz they were making a mess (no eggs) and suddenly they had built a new one so I pushed it over and there was an egg in it :(

me: well are you sure it had a chick in it? maybe it wasn't fertilized yet. or something, i'm not clear on how birds do that

Brady: lol yes. Birds fuck. It's not like the male jiz goes through the egg shell after it's laid.

Brady: well I guess you have a point. It could be just an unfertilized egg that would never have hatched. Female parrots in cages sometimes just lay eggs but the male has to fertilize it before she lays it or it's pretty much just a period.

Brady: chances are that doesn't happen much in nature. There's always a bro willing to fuck a receptive female.

me: there, maybe you didn't just cause an avian abortion

Brady: ha that did make me smile

me: your subconscious Jiz took over and said KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT

me: think of it this saved the mother from having another goddamn baby on her goddamn back

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