Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Text On Fire

Jay: Whatever happened to New York?
(note: of course I automatically knew he meant the skeezy reality show whore, not the state or city)
Me: probably in thailand getting her cocknballs chopped.
Jay: HAH!
Me: and bigger tits. always gotta be bigger. "just put some rice and coconut milk up in there"
Jay: YES in a burlap sack
Me: and lots of sriracha. . . you know how her people like hot sauce
Jay: Word
Me: hey! there's a sober character on gossip girl. i'm a few eps behind so i'm sure they'll have him relapse and deathrape somebody
Jay: Hahaha, I need to start watching that show
Me: you will LOVE. like 10inch cock love
Jay: That's the purest truest love I know
Me: isn't it though? i'm seeing a mommy tuck her kids in at night saying "goodnight, sweethearts, remember...mommy loves like a 10inch cock."

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