Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Go Go, Gadget Rectum!

This week on the Bad Girls Club: used up cumdumpsters hang out with crusty pornography thespians, go to Cancun, and fight. The fight was way disappointing. Tiffany always goes on about how she'll cut a bitch, but when it comes down to it, she's a hair puller just like those other twats. Kayla and Cookie were the only ones to throw down with any ladyballs at all. It was basically everyone pulling Cookie Amber's hair. Having only self grown hair really worked to Cookie's disadvantage. If you yanked on, say, Tiffany's 2-foot-long ponytail, that shit would pop right off like a gecko tail. It's kind of a ghetto defense mechanism. Hopefully they'll just all get kicked off the show. That way Oxygen can just skip down to the corner and pick up some more classy ladies.

The cast went to the premiere of a porn film, and they got all cozy with this thing:

Would you like to sit on that alligator face? No, no you wouldn't. Not unless you had a bionic asshole. I'd turn that shit into a blender.

Oh here's a nice quote from Tiff: "Seven bad girls in Mexico. Come on, what more could you axe for?" I would axe for one of them grammatatical books and a dictionurry.

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